部份指標各國不同, 需找到本國的數據
指標名稱 | 英文名稱 |
汽車銷售 | Automobile Sales |
連鎖店銷售 | Chain Store Sales |
消費者信心 | Consumer Sentiment |
成屋消售 | Existing Home Sales |
未充分就業 | Underemployment or Slack |
訂單出貨比 | Book-to-Bill Ratio |
銅價 | Copper Price |
耐久財訂單 | Durable Goods Orders |
房屋建築許可及新屋開工數 | Housing Permits and Starts |
工業生產與產能利用率 | Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization |
供應管理協會(ISM)製造業調查 | Institute for Supply Management(ISM) Manufacturing Survey |
供應管理協會(ISM)非製造業調查 | Institute for Supply Management(ISM) non-Manufacturing Survey |
Joc-ECRI工業市場價格指數 | Joc-ECRI Industrial Price Index |
倫敦金屬交易所存貨 | London Metal Exchange Inventories |
個人儲蓄率 | Personal Saving Rate |
單位勞動成本 | Unit Labor Costs |
聯邦政府預算赤字及國債 | Federal Government Budget Deficits and The National Debt |
波羅的海乾貨散裝綜合運費指數 | Baltic Dry Index |
大麥克指數 | Big Mac Index |
經常帳赤字 | Current Account Deficit |
原油庫存 | Oil Inventories |
日本短觀調查 | Tankan Survey |
國際資本流動報告 | Treasury International Capital (TIC) Data |
褐皮書 | Beige Book |
原油裂解價差 | Crack Spread |
可取得信用擺盪指標 | Credit Availability Oscillator (CAO) |
聯邦資金利率 | Federal Funds Rate |
生育率 | Fertility Rate |
人均國內生產毛額 | Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita |
倫敦銀行間隔夜拆款利率 | LIBOR |
M2 貨幣供給 | M2 Money Supply (M2MS) |
新屋銷售 | New Home Sales |
ADS 商業狀況指數 | Philadelphia Fed: The Aruoba-diebold-scotti Business Conditions Index |
商業展望調查 | Philadelphia Fed: Business Outlook Survey |
實質利率 | Real Interest Rates |
空頭淨額 | Short Interest |
羅素2000指數 | Russell 2000 |
每週領先指標 | Weekly Leading Index |
殖利率曲線 | Yield Curve |
GDP 平減指數 | GDP Deflator |
金價 | Gold Price |
痛苦指數 | Misery Index |
生產者物價指數 | Producer Price Index |
散戶投資活動 | Retail Investment Activity |
信用利差:利率的風險結構 | Credit Spreads: The risk structure of Interest rates |
泰德利差 | TED Spread |
德州殭屍銀行比率 | Texas "Zombie Bank" Ratio |
美國國庫抗通膨債券(TIPS)利差 | TIPS Spread |
芝加哥選擇權交易所波動率指數 | CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) |
狐狸精指數 | Vixen Index |
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